The procedure for dental implants

The procedure for dental implants

A dental implant is a replacement of an entire tooth, including the root and crown.  The implant is actually the root replacement which is then where the crown will be placed. 

What is a dental implant?

This device is a screw-like metal piece used to replace damaged teeth. The way a dental implant surgery is performed will depend on the type of implant and the condition of the patient’s jawbone. 

The process of installation is not short. When an implant is screwed into the jawbone, the bone around it has to heal effectively before placing the crown.  This can usually take months.

The procedure

The patient has to go through some preliminary steps before going to surgery.  This includes a comprehensive dental exam and a tailored treatment plan.  This plan takes in to consideration the number of teeth that need to be replaced and the condition of the jawbone. 

  • The damaged tooth is removed.
  • The dentist opens the gum to access the jawbone. The jawbone is then prepared for surgery.  This might include bone grafting.  Bone grafting is a procedure through which bone from some other place (usually your upper jaw or even your hip and sometimes from a cadaver) is placed on the spot where the implant will be placed. This is done to provide a stronger foundation for the implant if your jawbone is too soft. It may take several months for this bone to grow new bone ready for the implant. In some cases, the implant can be placed the same day of grafting.  It depends on the condition of the jawbone.
  • The dentist then places the implant into the jawbone.  He drills holes where the implant is going to be placed. 
  • The process of osseointegration begins.  This is when bone grows around the implant.  It usually takes up to six months.
  • The oral surgeon places an abutment and then the crown, which is going to be your new tooth.